Pebbles and Piggy Tails

Caramel Apple Kit

A couple of years ago, on a rainy autumn day, my friend Alison brought our family a sweet surprise.  It was Caramel Apple Kit.  It was the perfect thing to liven up a dull rainy day.  Our kidlets enjoyed making apples with Mom and Dad, and I loved that I didn’t have to prep anything or remember to get the stuff at the store.  It was a ready-made family activity.

So today I’m passing Alison’s idea onto you.  I made my own this year for two women in my church family that I check on and visit from time to time.  It was a rainy day.  We had fresh apples from a local farm.  And this really wasn’t hard to put together. Click here to read about Simple FROZEN Birthday Party Ideas.

 I used stuff I already had.  Scrapbook paper leftovers, paper sacks, ribbon.  Cut, glue, tie.  DONE.

I’m a Mormon . . . please let me explain

I’m a Mormon . . . please let me explain

I realized recently that with as much that I share on this blog, I often do not share the most important part of my life.  It’s the part that makes up who I am to the very core of my soul.  It’s a very special part of me.  So today I’ve decided to share this part of me, realizing I may risk losing some of you.  Though I hope I don’t.  I hope you’ll accept me for who I am, as I accept you.  Will you be open to what I have to say and appreciate my honesty?  As a blogger, I am vulnerable to my reader.  I share and put myself out there, not usually knowing if anyone cares or even likes what I have to say.  I open myself up to praise or ridicule–sometimes never knowing which I receive.  But I hope you’ll at least listen for a moment. Click here to read about Easy Halloween Minute-to-Win-It Party (plus printables)

I am a Mormon.  Have you heard of Mormons?  It means I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Another name for us is LDS or Latter-day Saint.  But Mormon is a common nickname, even though it’s not the name of our church.  Being a Mormon, or being LDS, means that I believe in Jesus Christ.  I believe He is my Savior.  I believe in God also.  I think of Him as my Heavenly Father.  I believe they created this earth–the stars, the sunsets, the flowers, the oceans and all the beautiful things upon it, including people.  I believe God watches over me and that Jesus died for me.  I believe God put us here on earth for a purpose.  We are children of God and He is always watching over us.

Being Mormon means I also believe that families are eternal.  Our families can be forever.  When someone dies, it is not the end, and we will see that person again.  Our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us  and we are never alone.  God wants us to be happy.  He wants us to learn and make choices.  He wants us to do good, keep His commandments, and help other people.

Being a Mormon means I believe the true gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth again. I believe Joseph Smith helped bring about this restoration and that he was a prophet, like the prophets of old in the Bible.  Many think that God does not speak to us on earth.  But He does.  There is a modern day prophet who helps guide us through all these hard, confusing times.  And each person can know these things for themselves.  Heavenly Father helps those who seek truth.  He loves each one of us.  Each soul is precious in the eyes of God.

As a Mormon I read the scriptures.  I love the Bible and also The Book of Mormon.  I read the scriptures every morning with my husband and children.  I read them on my own too, as often as possible.  The scriptures help me learn, they also bring me peace and understanding to problems in my life.  I pray often as well–actually everyday.  I pray alone.  I pray with my husband.  I pray with my children.  Everyday.  I know God listens to our sincere prayers.  I know He answers too.

I believe in goodness.  I believe in pure happiness.  My life is not perfect.  I’m a freckle-faced girl and dumb things happen to me everyday–sometimes even hard or painful things.  But I think I can truly say that for the most part I am happy.  I have found peace by living as I do.